Saturday, December 27, 2008


ima pause a lil abt the shit stirring its abt....smth yean lost his temper at......was quite some time back but i can never forget the incident.It was a sat,and it meant for slping right?come on...but it wasnt for was another wake up early for work day...goto wake up @ 9 to pass Guan Ge some invoice...guess i kinda overslept...woke up and saw roughly 40++ missed calls and 20 odd smses...GUESS WAD?i saw an angel outside my hse....and most of u woulda think its yean...NO!it was alfred,he came all the way just to collect the pile of shit...come to tink of it im still feeling guilty...

regarding the invis car.......................................................i got no

MORRIS my son i will never tell u the freaking story b!tch!!!!!!

.::I didnt expect myself to lose my bloody temper today...for those who NOT sorry =)::.

This song freaking power

A wise man learns by the mistakes of others,a fool by his own

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